Grow personally, impact globally.
“Our vision is for a sector that works together to grow our talent pool.”
Kia kitea he rāngai mahi tahi ki te whakatupu, whakapakari,
hāpai i ō mātou tāngata.
Kaitiaki | Guardians
We encourage the sector to share the responsibility for developing and growing our talent pool.
Hono | Community
We see a community of workers,
not a workforce and bring
mana to their mahi.
Aronga | Approach
We are a not-for-profit endeavour supported by Orion to represent shared challenges for the sector.
Provide opportunities for our community
of workers to connect.
Tell Aotearoa’s true energy story to connect with our future workforce.
Act as a bridge between tertiary and industry.
What if all kiwis were incentivised to continually learn, and had the agency and access to do so at any point in their career?
Ka pēhea me i manawarū ai ngā tāngata katoa o Aotearoa ki te ako tonu atu, ki te whai whakaaro, ki te kuhu hoki ki ā rātou umanga, ahakoa te wā?
Introducting EdCreds. A concept to ignite New Zealand’s knowledge economy with a revolutionary funding model.